
What are the main contents of beneficiation test

Date:2021-12-17 00:00:00  Click:  Author:Weifang GUOTE Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.

Main contents of beneficiation test

The small-scale process test in the laboratory is the basic test of beneficiation process test. Generally, the beneficiation test starts from the small-scale test in the laboratory, and then gradually expands the scale. The test contents of each section are determined according to the test purpose. At present, the contents of various beneficiation tests mainly include the following aspects:



Study on properties of raw ore

The study of raw ore properties mainly includes spectral analysis, multi-element analysis or total analysis, assay analysis, microscopic identification, phase analysis, particle size analysis, heavy liquid separation, determination of ore physical and mechanical properties and other necessary analysis and research contents.



Experimental study on grinding process

The laboratory will carry out the following tests and measurements in the process flow test at the end of the year: work index measurement, grindability measurement, abrasion index test, self grinding medium performance test, ore washing and ore washing overflow treatment test, experimental research on ore pre concentration, experimental research on grinding method and grinding process, and analysis of grinding products.


Experimental study on beneficiation method and process

This part mainly includes the research on beneficiation method, beneficiation condition test, beneficiation process structure test, recommended process flow and beneficiation product analysis. The separation condition test also includes: comparison test for the selection of main materials such as flotation, gravity separation, magnetic separation, roasting magnetic separation, heavy medium beneficiation, electric separation, optical separation, beneficiation reagent, fuel and medium.


The research of sorting process structure test mainly includes:

1. Determine the number of selected segments

2. Discuss the reasonable times of scavenging and cleaning operations to improve the concentrate grade and recovery as much as possible

3. Find out the nature of middling, and determine the reasonable location and separate treatment scheme for middling return.

4. The comprehensive condition test of open circuit process shall be carried out on the basis of sufficient unit condition test. During the test, attention shall be paid to the stability of process and operating conditions, and the indexes shall be reproducible.

5. Based on the open circuit process test, the closed-circuit process test is carried out.

Recommended process flow

Multiple scheme tests are carried out on the beneficiation method, process flow and beneficiation conditions, and the beneficiation process flow is recommended based on the comparison test of 1-2 schemes.


Analysis of beneficiation products

Chemical analysis, particle size analysis, phase analysis and determination of mechanical and physical properties of concentrate, middling and tailings products shall be carried out


Experimental study on product dehydration

Conduct sedimentation velocity test on concentrate and tailings and draw sedimentation velocity curve.


Experimental study on environmental protection

The tailings water, concentrate water, other sewage, harmful gas and waste residue in the process flow shall be tested and analyzed to meet the national sewage discharge standard. At the same time, the beneficiation agents shall be used as little as possible or not, which are harmful to human body, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and pollute the environment


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