
Industrial Chain Structure Analysis of Quartz Material Products Industry

Date:2022-12-14 16:31:01  Click:  Author:Weifang GUOTE Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.


my country's quartz products industry started late and has a weak foundation. The products are mainly used as basic materials for industry. With the improvement of material performance requirements in high-tech fields such as

 electronic information and semiconductors, the quartz materials and products industry has ushered in new development space and opportunity. With the introduction of foreign advanced equipment and independent research 

and development of core technologies, my country's quartz glass materials and products industry has greatly improved in terms of quartz product technology and equipment manufacturing, and is gradually transforming from 

an energy- and labor-intensive industry to a technology-intensive and capital-intensive industry. change in direction. In recent years, the state has continued to pay more attention to the downstream industries of quartz products, 

and has successively issued preferential policies for upgrading and supporting the semiconductor and photovoltaic industries. Benefiting from the transfer of downstream semiconductor production capacity, the growth in demand 

for 5G optical fibers, and the continued development of the photovoltaic industry, the quartz material industry is expected to accelerate import substitution and enter a rapid upward trend.

The upstream of the industry chain mainly includes quartz sand and quartz materials, the midstream mainly includes quartz products of different specifications and models, and the downstream of the industry mainly connects semiconductors,

 photovoltaics, electric light sources, aerospace and other application fields.

In the upstream quartz sand industry, the production of high-purity quartz sand is closely related to high-quality ore sources, and it is difficult to purify low-quality ore sources. In industry, quartz sand can generally be divided into ordinary

 quartz sand, refined quartz sand, high-purity quartz sand, fused quartz sand, etc. Among them, high-purity quartz sand usually requires silica ≥ 99.998%, iron element ≤ 1ppm, and has high temperature resistance, Low coefficient of thermal 

expansion, high insulation, corrosion resistance, and unique optical properties. From the perspective of the market situation, domestic high-purity quartz sand presents a highly monopolized situation. Quartz glass has good physical and 

chemical properties and is mainly divided into two categories: transparent and opaque. Most of its raw materials are obtained from refined quartz sand with a purity of more than 99.5%. Quartz glass products have various specifications, 

and can be divided into pipes, rods, plates, etc. according to the shape of the product. In terms of special functions, there are low-expansion quartz glass, radiation-resistant quartz glass, ultraviolet- or infrared-transmitting quartz glass, 

ultraviolet-filtering quartz glass, etc.

The mid-stream quartz product industry, especially the quartz product industry supporting semiconductor integrated circuit production lines, has a high threshold. Products of different specifications provided by quartz product suppliers 

usually need to pass the test of semiconductor equipment manufacturers or chip manufacturers separately, and the products can only pass the test. Supply. Suppliers usually need to pass the customer's on-site inspection and other work 

before they can enter the supplier list smoothly. There are few companies in the industry that have the ability to supply high-purity and large-size quartz products. In terms of the processing of quartz glass products, the domestic processing 

capacity still lags behind the international leading level, mainly due to the low level of material purity, unstable product quality, and the lack of independent production technology for advanced products. However, there is little difference 

in the industry's mid-to-low-end product manufacturers, fierce competition, and low gross profit margins.

The downstream of the industrial chain is mainly concentrated in subdivided fields such as semiconductors, optical fibers, optics, photovoltaics and electric light sources. In the terminal applications of quartz products, the proportions of 

semiconductors, optical fibers, optics, photovoltaics and electric light sources are 65% and 14% respectively. , 10%, 7% and 4%, among which, optical fiber, photovoltaic and semiconductor are the fastest growing fields, which will become

 the booster for the development of the quartz products industry.

Quartz products are widely used in the downstream, and the products run through all links of the integrated circuit industry. Taking the production process from quartz sand to chips as an example, the production process will use quartz

 crucibles, quartz bell jars, quartz diffusion tubes, quartz boats, quartz glass substrates, etc. Different types of products.

Industrial chain structure diagram of quartz material products industry


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