
High frequency vibration dewatering screen and vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator have been shipped

Date:2023-10-12 15:26:51  Click:  Author:Weifang GUOTE Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.


Due to customer needs, special staff in the rain expedited truck delivery, yesterday, 

foreign customers of high frequency vibration dedehydration screen and 

vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator has been shipped, 

in this bad weather, special equipment workers still stick to their posts, respect,

it is such dedicated employees to let customers firmly choose special.

This delivery is part of the quartz sand wet production line equipment, 

high frequency vibration dewatering screen is mainly used to reduce the water content of quartz sand, 

vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator is mainly used to remove iron impurities in quartz sand.


The high frequency vibration dewatering screen changes the water tension on the surface of the pulp 

through the exciting vibration force, 

the pulp water becomes the material under the screen through the screen, 

and the fine material is blocked by the screen to form a filter layer and is discharged by the vibration force. 

Vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator can be used for non-metallic minerals such as quartz, feldspar, nepheline ore, 

kaolin purification of impurity iron and -1.2 mm (-200 mesh accounted for 20-30%) fine red ore (hematite, limonite, siderite, etc.) 

and other weak magnetic metal ore wet separation. 

Vertical ring high gradient magnetic separator magnetic field up to 20000 gauss or more, 

high field strength high output in addition to iron effect is good, 

need customers can ask us!

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